In some way, we all are being thrown into life, without any map to show us the way; without a manual or any instructions. Just life in its whole. And then, they expect us to actually work, let alone interact with life. But the thing about this is that none of us is being prepared for it – in any way.
We learn to write essays in English, divide through rational numbers in Maths, and lifting 2kg barbells in P.E. All in all, we are being prepared for everything but life. But since we are going to live life, how about we talk about it too? Maybe a little bit more than about anything else?
We can’t do anything to stop experiencing some things – Some better, some worse. We are humans, interacting with other humans, interacting with the world that surrounds us. It is unpreventable that we gain experiences. And because life is not all about being happy and content with whatever is thrown at you, you will experience disguise as well. And sorrows. And sadness and hurt. But that’s okay – because often, we are more likely to grow from negative experiences than positive.
The only problem lays in dealing with it. Be it trust issues because someone someday misused your trust. Be it hurt and the anxiety of losing someone because you lost someone before. It can also be a phobia, anger, and so on. But we never got the chance to learn how to deal with it. We are expected to already know how to manage it when the situation occurs. And then we break again – Because how should we know?
But don’t lose hope right away. It sounds terrifying – it is. I’m not gonna lie. But we still have the chance to learn the skills of overcoming difficulties, without damaging yourself halfway through. And this is how: Breath, think, act.
As simple as it sounds: the solution is already within you. Because of the very person you are, you are right. You act right, you act morally right. The second you think about how you would react rationally, how it feels right to you, that’s the moment, you’ll find the solution. It may sound wrong the first time you think about how you would react in a 100% authentical way, but it is the way, you have to worry less.
This doesn’t address people, who think that it is okay to harm people. Neither does this address people who can’t think morally right. This is addressed to people, who are able to see the best for themselves and their environment. Since we do live in a social environment, we also have to take care of it. We have to include them in our decisions.
If you still have problems, dealing with the very life itself: It is okay. None of us was born perfectly able to deal with life. Nobody will die with the ultimate ability to deal with life – we all will experience new things throughout our life. The only thing that will prevent you from being overwhelmed all your life, is the authenticity you carry inside you.